More About Fluxcom



Many business owners have previously felt that finding a forthright credit card processing company can be as difficult as finding an honest politician. In an industry fraught with processors looking out for themselves, Fluxcom watches out for YOU. As a client of Fluxcom, you can expect the following:

  • Highly competitive pricing and the full disclosure of fees
  • Fully transparent "interchange Plus" / "Cost Plus" pricing system and easy to read statements
  • Seasoned industry professionals that have an in-depth knowledge of the industry and that understand the nuances of bankcard interchange
  • 24/7/265 multi-level service and product support
  • A comprehensive sutie of products including host-based virtual terminals, payment gateways, unique processing solutions and fully integrated terminals provided to you at Fluxcom's cost



pictureValuing And Building Relationships  is the core value of our organization. If you value people you will pursue them and build them. We view every person as a person with whom it is desirable and possible to build a relationship. To do this requires a mutual recognition of the other person's worth.


pictureDoing What Is Right  This is an overall guidelin for everything we do. Doing what is right paves the way for building relationships. When we do what is right, we feel good about what we do.


pictureTreating People With Respect  Always be respectful. We believe in sharing our ideas in a respectful manner and valuing others as they express their ideas. We let others do their jobs and acknowledge their accomplishments and positive behaviors.


pictureTaking Responsibility  We are called to take responsibility for our attitudes and actions. Value of The Person begins with us and how we treat each individual.


picturePracticing Reconciliation  Old grudges, hurt feelings that have never been healed, and breakdowns in communication create excess baggage. The baggage includes a long list o emotional hurts, bitterness, anger and disappointment. Feelings of alienation hurt relationships, stunt personal growth, restrict creativity and reduce the willingness to offer suggestions or participate in group activities. We must reconcile the differences that push us apart. We strive to acknowledge breakdowns in relationships, admit past failures, make adjustments, apologize, seek forgiveness and forgive.